Problems and weaknesses at school: how can we identify them?

Phase of problem-identification

If you would like to improve your own school, you must first come to terms with its weaknesses. That is often not as obvious as it seems: what one person finds unbearable may not be seen as drastically. 

Finding out what actually students and teachers find worth improving may be the first step of a phase of collecting information.

Possibilities of collecting information

The following measures are suitable to get hints about the school's problematic aspects:

  • data collection (e. g. how many students do actually use the schoolyard? how often are there disruptions in a lesson?)
  • observing students'/teachers' behaviour (e. g. what do students do during a break? how do teachers react to lesson disruptions?)
  • survey with a questionnaire (e. g. how satisfied are students with the schoolyard? to what extent do students perceive lesson disruptions as a problem?)
  • interviews
  • online survey in the school's intranet
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.